Newsletter – April 2020
26 April 2020
Newsletter – September 2020
19 September 2020
Newsletter - May 2020

Hello dear ones,
we are very happy to announce that the Pranic World Festival Online 2020 is going to start in a few days and are looking forward to meet all together in the Pranic conciousness!
To bring all the beautiful messages of our speakers into your understanding, we are working a lot on the translations of the videos we received, some of them just recently. We are a team of 12+ translators translating all the videos into 4 languages, which requires time and love. So we'll be working all month of June, still receiving, translating, editing and posting our inspirational speakers!
The plan is to send one speaker every day to your inbox from 1 June, for as many speakers we’ll have.
You'll receive the video and links that will also be loaded on our website, youtube and podcast channel.
The Festival is completely free, we invite you to register here to be sure you'll receive the daily speakers in your mailbox! And remember, as we are a non-profit organization, all the content will be available FOREVER and we will always follow our gift economy intention, so feel free to help us with your donations here.
Much Love and Light,
www.breatharianworld.com/en/video-pwfo-2020-trailerGUESTS 2020
www.breatharianworld.com/en/#speakersREGISTRATION FESTIVAL 2020 FREE
www.breatharianworld.com/en/donateVIDEOS OF THE PWF PAST EDITIONS
🎦 Playlist PWF 2019:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2019🎦 Playlist PWF 2018:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2018🎦 Playlist PWF 2017:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2017🎦 Playlist PWF 2016:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2016Please register yourselves on the youtube Breatharian channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there www.youtube.com/breatharianworld
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival
Now that we are living with this new being named "covid", we just need to make it friendly and adapt to the new situation.
We are opening our Pranic Center following all the rules of precautions to invite small groups for Breatharian Processes, starting on the 12th of June with our 9 day process "Initiation to Pranic Living".
For the ones far away, busy or in lock down situations, we are having online initiations as well, happening every month, 9 days with the option to extend to 21 days process!
You can find all the information on our website.
Thanks for your presence and support!
Online processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/onlineAll events
www.pranicenter.com/en/eventsThe breatharian processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/the-breatharian-processesHow to reach us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Facebook groups:World: www.facebook.com/groups/1107898175937341
IT: www.facebook.com/groups/795311907171133
FR: www.facebook.com/groups/28394139523
EN: www.facebook.com/groups/509442155886231
DE: www.facebook.com/groups/768717609940802
PT: www.facebook.com/groups/1669185759965389
RU: www.facebook.com/groups/1059305080795819
ES: www.facebook.com/groups/1806129756284383
LT: www.facebook.com/groups/127052487777145
RO: www.facebook.com/groups/nutritie.pranica
NL: www.facebook.com/groups/2109046962656305